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About Faith Formation

Growing Your Faith

St. Stephen's United Church of Christ stands as a beacon of faith in Perkasie, PA. We know learning is always ongoing, so we offer learning to children and adults.


The Faith Formation Ministry ensures the coordination and implementation of all church education and faith development programs. It provides diverse opportunities for various ages and interests within the UCC tradition. Faith Formation engages in mission and community outreach to connect our faith to the community.


Do you want to participate or lend a hand at our next event? Please see our events calendar for our upcoming events, and we look forward to seeing you. Or contact the Church office at


The pastor lending a hand

Faith Learning for Children 

Children Learn by Doing

Faith Learning for Adults 

Faithful Living

Adults Learn by Doing


For all ages (and those who are hungry)

Lunch Bunch meets monthly, usually on a Wednesday from 11:30 am to 1 pm for a potluck lunch followed by a time of devotions, music, crafts or sometimes other surprises.


The Connections Community Lunch meets on the 3rd Wednesday bi-monthly and is a program open to all adults in the church and community.  It is a FREE lunch and program and an opportunity to socialize and make connections.   


The next gathering is June 19th and will be a program by Nancy DeVogel on Plants of the Bible.

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